Here are 11 reasons why you would want to be a Bag Maker:
First, I want to clarify that when I say bag making, I’m not meaning only bags like tote bags and bigger bags. I’m talking about all kinds of bags. From little wallets, purses, handbags, cross body bags, totes and toiletry bags – whatever comes in under the big umbrella bags. You can specialize in your own field when you find out what you love the most. What types of bag you like to make and what material you like the best.
So let’s talk a little about this why you would go into bag making. Maybe you are thinking that you might be able to support yourself making bags. It’s pretty wonderful to be your own boss, but it has its challenges. It will be hard, but also fun.
Bag making is not something you get easily rich from. Unfortunately. So why would you want to get into bag making?
- Because you have a couple of creative bones in your body and you actually like to make things.
Maybe you like to cook and follow recipes. Maybe you like to build stuff. Maybe you like to build your own furniture or at least assemble it from Ikea. If you love to create, then maybe bag making is for you. Did you make stuff as a kid? If you’re a woman, were you envious of the boys who got kits of model airplanes and cars and glued them together?
Making a bag is really just like following a recipe while cooking. You start from scratch. You have to gather the ingredients you need and and then you put them together and create a scrumptious meal or a nice little model airplane or a model car or a beautiful bag.
It can be a simple zipper bag or a complicated handbag. Start with the simple bags, since you don’t want to get scared and overwhelmed.
2. Because of the gratification!
The gratification you get after starting from scratch and then going through the process and then finishing up your own little bag, is immense. You feel so proud!
Maybe you have sewn a little bit before or maybe not. You can start so simple that you don’t actually need to have any experience with making clothes or anything. It helps, I will not deny that, but you don’t have to, because you can start with two little squares of fabric and put a zipper on them.
Even if you have not sewn much before, you can make a little bag. So here’s the thing. You start off with these little squares and you don’t quite know how to make a bag. So you follow a tutorial on YouTube. It is that easy.
3. Because of the Challenge!
Of course, if you haven’t done it before, it’s new territory and might pose a challenge. But challenges are good for you! You get to stretch your abilities a little. You have to do something that you’re not normally doing. So it’s a challenge and you do it. Even if you struggle a little. Even if you have to cry a little out of pure frustration.

4. Because it’s so fun when you succeed!
When you have that little bag with a zipper that you’ve made into a little wristlet you have succeeded. You made it, you created it. Yes, you used a pattern and yes, you watched a YouTube tutorial. That’s how you learn.
So you did it. You created something from almost nothing. So here’s another reason why you want to get into bag making. It will make you happy. Yes, maybe you have sweated a little and cried a little, and maybe even bled a little from sticking yourself with pins, but in spite of blood, sweat and tears – you feel gratified when it’s over. Even if it’s your first simple little bag with a little zipper up top.
You really ought to try it. To experience that feeling of accomplishment.
Maybe you’re thinking it is hard to get into bag making because you need to buy so much new stuff.
You might be thinking: I need to buy a sewing machine or an industrial sewing machine. No, no. Anyone can get a hold of a cheap sewing machine, because that’s the only thing you need to start with. You can go to a thrift store or a garage sale and get one used. Just make sure it works. Or you can buy a new cheap machine. For your first few zipper bags, it’s going to be more than enough.
If you don’t have a sewing machine, you might be able to borrow one from a friend or a relative. Just long enough for you to see if you’re going to love bag making. If you don’t like it at all, which I doubt, you just hand back the machine and say “Thank you, I’m done with bag making. You can have your machine back”.
Most likely you’ll realize that you have to get your own machine and a few other things. You need a pair of good fabric scissors, you need pins and clips, a few rulers and a couple of other things.

5. Because you feel proud when you have completed a bag.
That will make you feel happier and more proud than you’ve been for a while.
Sometimes, when you strut around with the bag you made, that you put a lot of effort into, some people will ask: “Wow, did you make that bag?” Sometimes it’s not really meant as a compliment, but you just pretend it is and say: “Yes. Isn’t it nice? This is the second bag I made in my whole life. I’m so happy with it.”
What I’m trying to say is that you can’t expect to be an expert after a couple of hours. It takes time. As with anything else, you need to learn. Bag making is a skill. You have to work at it.
You either have to have an interest in it, or the interest can be awoken in you. Just watch YouTube videos on bag making and see how long it takes before your hands start itching to create something of your own.
6. Because you like to solve problems!
In a way, bag making is problem solving. You have these pieces of fabric and a zipper, some hardware, and you’re going to make it into a bag. How do you solve that problem? It doesn’t have to be a problem, but in the beginning it is probably a problem. So it’s about problem solving. That’s why it’s so gratifying when you have solved the problem and your bag is finished. But – in order for you not to feel overwhelmed, you have to know that it’s a skill. Just like biking. When you sit on the bike the first time, you don’t have the confidence to just drive off down the street. You wobble a little and maybe you fall off. It’s the same as when you tried to walk for the first time when you were a baby. You wobbled and fell and you stumbled and you got up again.
It is the same with the skill of bag making. You make some bags that might turn out really ugly and it hurts to look at them. Don’t get discouraged, because the next one is going to be prettier and the next one is going to be almost perfect, right? So don’t give up. You can’t be an expert when you’ve just started.

7. Because you acquire new and useful skills!
When you have mastered the fun skill that bag making is, you will have so much fun making bags. And while you do so, you can listen to hundreds of exciting audio books. So you get entertained while you sew, plus you produce something. It’s pretty relaxing to sew when you know how to make a bag. You do it over and over again, and now you know how to do it. You just go through the motion and do the steps. That’s why you want to make different bags, different shapes and use different materials so you can learn something new. You’ll feel the urge to learn more.
So as soon as you master it a little bit, which you will with practice, you make ten zipper bags in only one day. When you master the skill of making simple bags, you get into a zone while you sew. It’s funny how you forget about time.You forget where you are. You’re just so into the production. And it’s so much fun that you might forget to make dinner, you forget to clean the house, you forget to pick up the kids from school, you forget everything. That’s a proof you’re in the zone and that means you’re doing something that’s challenging enough for you and rewarding.
8. Because it is rewarding!
Who wouldn’t want to spend their time on something that is rewarding? And, when your family and friends like the bags you give them, that’s rewarding. When you get a little better at it and people are willing to pay for your bags, that’s another level of rewarding. Not everyone have taught themselves how to make bags, so you’re pretty unique.
Here’s the thing about creating something that’s unique. You chose the fabric, you chose the color of the zipper. Every little bag you make is unique. It has your fingerprints all over it. It’s yours. You have created something that’s unique and you should be proud of that.

9. Because it gives you joy!
The happy feeling inside, that’s joy. In the beginning, it’s a little pain and sweat, but after a while it becomes very joyful and you don’t really want to do anything else. Especially not cleaning the house or cooking or exercising.
It’s not joyous all the time, of course. In the beginning you’ll have to use the seam ripper a lot, and you have to do things over again. Sometimes it will take you an hour to correct a mistake, and you feel like crying because the thing that you just spent one hour on is looking totally skew so you have to seem rip it open and do it again. But that’s how you learn.
So now is the time for me to mention something that might come as a surprise to you. Perfection is not your friend! If you are a perfectionist, you’ll probably never get started. You’ll want the nicest, most expensive sewing machine. You’ll want the nicest tools and the most expensive fabric. You will never be happy with where you are in your skill set because you want everything to be perfect right away. And it’s not going to be. Surprise, surprise.
Of course we will strive to make the bag as pretty as possible. But perfectionism isn’t going to help you. Don’t get it perfect, just get it done! Start with the cheap little sewing machine that’s already 20 years old. Find some old clothes, maybe an old pair of jeans. You don’t have to spend much money to make nice bags. So just start with that.
Things don’t have to be perfect, but they will get better and better if you strive and keep at it. Don’t give up just because you have to do things over again or even have to throw a bag in the garbage. Just make another. It will be better. That’s how it is.
The seam ripper is your friend. It doesn’t feel like it, but it is your friend. Everyone makes mistakes so you will too. So my point is that you have to give yourself some slack. Your fourth and fifth bag may not look as beautiful as you would have wanted it, but it’s better to get started than not get started at all. You have to expect that your bags are not perfect and might be a little skew. They might not be so pretty to begin with. That’s how it is.
Here’s a tip: When you look at the YouTube channels with the creators that are making bags, don’t get discouraged just because they are wonderful at doing what they’re doing, because they did not start yesterday. They’ve probably been doing this for years, and they have become pretty good at it. And so can you. If you practice. If they were to show you the first, third or fifth bag they made, you probably would giggle and they are probably just as bad as the ones you made. So everyone has to start from scratch. Not only you.
10. Because it doesn’t cost an arm and a leg to start!
Get a little sewing machine, scissors, a ruler and some relatively cheap fabric. You don’t want flimsy little bags, so outdoor fabrics can be great. You buy some interfacing, an iron, and then you can watch YouTube videos on how to make the simplest bags.
So you see, there is no excuse not to become a bag maker. The reason you shouldn’t invest a lot of money up front is that you need to see if you like it, if you like sitting by the sewing machine hour after hour, cutting and creating. You can have so much fun with ribbons bindings, lace and things like that. You just start simple and then you get more advanced. After a while you can buy fun bag making toys. Like a little cutting machine that use dies so you can cut fabric into different shapes. You can appliqué them onto your bags.

11. Because you can get paid if you sell your bags
You’ll soon find that your bags are popular gifts with family and friends. Maybe you want to sell some at farmer’s markets. I think people like to meet the creator, so you probably would have a better chance at selling at a farmer’s market than online. Also because you need a lot of marketing to sell online.
If you find someone who’s willing to pay for your bags, you’ll soon realize that you will not get paid a lot for your time. Not until you have acquired enough skills and have your own little production line going with 10 bags at a time. When you get into a production mindset, you might be able to make money on bag making.
The most important aspect of bag making, in my opinion, is to have fun. And challenge yourself. And, in bag making there are always new things to learn. Just get started! Good luck!